schmoll maschinen

Schmoll Maschinen Enhances XRA³ with Shutter functions

A unique XRAY function improves source lifetime, measurement stability, and process efficiency for even more precise results.

Schmoll Maschinen continues to push the boundaries of precision and efficiency in XRAY technology. In recent years, we introduced a unique feature for our XRA³ machines—a special function that allows the XRAY source (shutter) to remain continuously on. This innovation brings several key advantages:

  • Extended XRAY Source Lifetime – Reducing on/off cycles helps prolong the lifespan of the XRAY source.
  • Unmatched Measurement Stability – Ensures even more accurate and repeatable results.
  • Minimized Downtime – Eliminates startup delays, optimizing machine availability.
  • Ideal for PCBs with embedded technologies – Particularly beneficial for machining boards with specific embedded components.

With this advanced function, Schmoll Maschinen once again delivers cutting-edge solutions to meet the evolving needs of the PCB industry. Want to learn more? Contact us today to explore how our latest innovations can enhance your production process!

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